
人才搜寻(TS) is an early intervention/educational opportunity program. The 澳门皇冠体育 (JSU) Talent 搜索 Program serves Jackson Public School students grades 6th-12th at Cardozo Middle, 皮尔普斯中心, 威顿中学, Forest Hill High and Wingfield High School. The program promotes skills and disseminates information necessary for successfully graduating high school, and entering college and completing a baccalaureate degree. The program emphasizes personal/职业生涯 development, 金融知识, technological/academic skills, and ACT readiness through college preparatory workshops. JSU TS ensures students are prepared for the rigors of higher education. The JSU TS program provides a variety of free 职业生涯 and college planning services for our participants that focus on 职业生涯 exploration college readiness. JSU TS提供校园参观, academic monitoring/advising, and guidance in the completion of college and financial aid applications, as well as serves the individual needs of participants and their families. The JSU TS summer enrichment and campus-based events host and provide opportunities that build self-esteem; increase academic aptitude; and assist/motivate all participants.

TS is a federal 三人组 program funded by the U.S. 教育部. 三人组
Programs are designed to help low-income and first-generation potential college
students prepare for and succeed in higher education.

JSUTS serves Jackson Public School students grades 6th -12th at the following:

Cardozo Middle School / 皮尔普斯中心 School / 威顿中学 School / Wingfield High School / Forest Hill High School





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Meet the 三人才艺搜索 Staff



(601) 979-0336

Welcome to 三人组 Talent 搜索 South at 澳门皇冠体育!


Our mission in 三人组 人才搜寻(TS) South is to connect low income and potential first-generation college students with postsecondary educational opportunities. As a federally funded program, we’re able to provide FREE services in the areas of academic, 职业生涯, and financial counseling to participants, to ensure graduation from high school and college.


The program also plans campus visits to two-year and four-year colleges and universities throughout the year. The campus visits are student oriented, giving them an up close and personal view of select institutions of higher education. These visits have made a tremendous impact on students and are often the factor that helps them decide which college to attend. In addition to tutoring and campus visits, the program offers college admissions assistance, help in completing financial aid (e.g., FAFSA) and scholarship applications, ACT/SAT考试准备, 指导活动, 职业生涯 and personal counseling, 金融知识 workshops for students and parents, and a FREE Summer Camp Enrichment Program, filled with cultural events and activities.


Our program serves five (5) of the Jackson Public Schools, located southside Jackson: Forest Hill High School, Wingfield High School; Cardoza Middle, 皮尔普斯中心, 和惠顿中学.  TS coaches visit the aforementioned schools several times a week, to partner with the school staff to determine the best course of action to ensure that students’ academic needs are met.


Our work is firmly woven into the fabric of creating equity and excellence for students and their families as they seek to improve their futures. Our staff encourages involvement and participation in all aspects of the educational and personal development process.  Feel free to reach out to our staff, for information and support on how to make dreams of achieving a college degree a reality. All of us in 三人组 Talent 搜索 South are excited and ready to assist students in reaching their educational goals.



特蕾莎修女Palmer-Jones, Director

持久性 & 毕业的教练

持久性 & 毕业的教练